8-Bitanco Regular
- Euro
Uwaga autora
8-Bitanco, designed by Damien Gosset, is a bold and pixelated bitmap font that takes us back to the golden era of retro computers. With its distinct style, this font is perfect for projects that aim to evoke nostalgia and pay homage to the early days of technology.
It adds a touch of vintage charm to video game titles, website headers, posters for themed events, or even T-shirt designs. Embrace the classic look and feel of 8-Bitanco and transport your audience back in time with this bold and captivating typeface.
This font is 100% free, you can use it for personal and commercial purpose.
You're not allowed to modify or sell this font.
Don't hesitate to make a donation and send me samples of your work made with this font !
Always keep this file and the PNG image with the font.
daaams@laposte.net | http://www.sweeep.fr
It adds a touch of vintage charm to video game titles, website headers, posters for themed events, or even T-shirt designs. Embrace the classic look and feel of 8-Bitanco and transport your audience back in time with this bold and captivating typeface.
This font is 100% free, you can use it for personal and commercial purpose.
You're not allowed to modify or sell this font.
Don't hesitate to make a donation and send me samples of your work made with this font !
Always keep this file and the PNG image with the font.
daaams@laposte.net | http://www.sweeep.fr
Mapa znaków
Proszę korzystać z menu rozwijalnego aby podglądać różne mapy znaków zawierane do tej czcionki.
Podstawowe informacje o czcionce
Prawa autorskie
Copyright Damien Gosset 2023
Rodzina czcionki
Podrodzina czcionki
Wyjątkowa identyfikacja podrodziny
Pełna nazwa czcionki
8-Bitanco Regular
Nazwij Wersję tabelki
Version 0.1
Postscriptowe imiona czcionki
Zawiadomienie o znaku towarowym
FontStruct is a trademark of FontStruct.com
“8-Bitanco” was built by Damien Gosset
Rozszerzone informacje o czcionce
Obsługiwane platformy
UnicodeUnikod 2.0 a nasledovná sémantika, tylko BMP unikod
MicrosoftTylko BMP unikod
Szczegóły czcionki
Liczba znaków91
Jednostki po Em2048
Prawa osadzeniaOsadzanie na podgląd i drukowanie dozwolone
Klasa rodzinyNieklasyfikowane
Styl MacPogrubiony
KierunekTylko znaki skierowane od lewej do prawej + zawiera neutralie
Natura wzoruRegularny