Bion Book Cond

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Bion is a contemporary geometric sans serif with a down-to-earth attitude.

It is distinguished by a high x-height, vertically cut terminals, and a minimal stroke contrast, giving it a distinctive, sharp look that is both timeless and universally appealing.

Bion comes with 40 weights in a single variable file, ranging from Hairline to Black. We also included Upright, Italic, and Condensed variations to give you a fresh and diverse look for poster and title designs.

Whatever message you want to get across, Bion has you covered - with support for 220 languages and 1,220 glyphs in total, as well as Extended Latin, Cyrillic and Greek scripts and an exhaustive list of typographic symbols.

Our latest typeface also arrives packed full of OpenType features, including an alternative glyph set that will transform the way your text looks, giving it a more squarish appearance and offering additional visualization options.

The Bion type family also includes an extensive set of standard and discretionary ligatures, tabular and small figures, fractions, and language localizations. These features work in static and variable fonts alike, providing a ready-made solution to all your advanced typographic needs.

This functional, pragmatic typeface is clean and easily readable, making it an ideal choice for both print and on-screen media.

Mapa znaków

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Podstawowe informacje o czcionce

Rodzina czcionki
Bion Book Cond
Podrodzina czcionki
Wyjątkowa identyfikacja podrodziny
Pełna nazwa czcionki
Bion Book Cond
Nazwij Wersję tabelki
Version 1.000
Postscriptowe imiona czcionki
Мodern geometric sans serif

Rozszerzone informacje o czcionce

Obsługiwane platformy

UnicodeUnikod 2.0 a nasledovná sémantika, tylko BMP unikod
MicrosoftTylko BMP unikod

Szczegóły czcionki

Liczba znaków753
Jednostki po Em1000
Prawa osadzeniaOsadzanie na podgląd i drukowanie dozwolone
Klasa rodzinyBez szeryfów
Styl MacPogrubiony
KierunekTylko znaki skierowane od lewej do prawej + zawiera neutralie
Natura wzoruRegularny