Galaxy Power
TrueTypeDo użytku osobistego
Galaxy Power TTF Personal.ttf
Uwaga autora
Galaxies are known for their immense size and breathtaking beauty, and no matter the size you want to carry this font with, it will still be a remarkable addition to any design. Yoga Letter created this Galaxy Power condensed graffiti script font inspired by graffiti art and the style of logotypes from the 1970’s.
This font adds an elegant retro touch to your texts and is perfect for logo design, poster creation, music album cover design, T-shirt printing, merchandise decoration, and many more. This is a free version of Galaxy Power font. If you need a wider set of ligatures and features, check out the full version.
By installing or using this font, you agree to the Product Usage Agreement.
This font is exclusively for personal use.
Please contact us before using it for any promotional or commercial purposes.
Follow our social media for updates on more great fonts and information:
Instagram: @isroniyogaprasetya @yogaletter_
Facebook: @Isroni Yoga Prasetya
If you have any questions, please let me know! :)
Thank you! :)
This font adds an elegant retro touch to your texts and is perfect for logo design, poster creation, music album cover design, T-shirt printing, merchandise decoration, and many more. This is a free version of Galaxy Power font. If you need a wider set of ligatures and features, check out the full version.
By installing or using this font, you agree to the Product Usage Agreement.
This font is exclusively for personal use.
Please contact us before using it for any promotional or commercial purposes.
Follow our social media for updates on more great fonts and information:
Instagram: @isroniyogaprasetya @yogaletter_
Facebook: @Isroni Yoga Prasetya
If you have any questions, please let me know! :)
Thank you! :)
Mapa znaków
Proszę korzystać z menu rozwijalnego aby podglądać różne mapy znaków zawierane do tej czcionki.

Podstawowe informacje o czcionce
Rodzina czcionki
Galaxy Power
Podrodzina czcionki
Wyjątkowa identyfikacja podrodziny
Galaxy Power:Version 1.00
Pełna nazwa czcionki
Galaxy Power
Nazwij Wersję tabelki
Version 1.00;July 21, 2023;FontCreator 64-bit
Postscriptowe imiona czcionki
Zawiadomienie o znaku towarowym
Yoga Letter 2023
Created using FontCreator 11.5 from
Rozszerzone informacje o czcionce
Obsługiwane platformy
UnicodeUnikod 2.0 a nasledovná sémantika, tylko BMP unikod
MacintoshAntykwa (roman)
MicrosoftTylko BMP unikod
Szczegóły czcionki
Liczba znaków175
Jednostki po Em2048
Prawa osadzeniaOsadzania ograniczona (zabroniona!)
Klasa rodzinySkrypty
GrubośćŚrednio lekka
Styl MacPogrubiony
KierunekTylko znaki skierowane od lewej do prawej + zawiera neutralie
Natura wzoruKursywa