Kaushan Script
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Podstawowe informacje o czcionce
Prawa autorskie
Copyright (c) 2011, Pablo Impallari (www.impallari.com|impallari@gmail.com),
Copyright (c) 2011, Igino Marini. (www.ikern.com|mail@iginomarini.com),
with Reserved Font Name Kaushan Script.
Copyright (c) 2011, Igino Marini. (www.ikern.com|mail@iginomarini.com),
with Reserved Font Name Kaushan Script.
Rodzina czcionki
Kaushan Script
Podrodzina czcionki
Wyjątkowa identyfikacja podrodziny
PabloImpallari: Kaushan Script: 2011
Pełna nazwa czcionki
Kaushan Script
Nazwij Wersję tabelki
Version 1.002
Postscriptowe imiona czcionki
Zawiadomienie o znaku towarowym
Kaushan Script is a trademark of Pablo Impallari.
Kaushan Script feels like writing quickly with an inked brush.
When making digital typefaces, the more you refine the shapes of the letters, the more energy you take away from them. Because of that, Kaushan is unrefined - and carries a lot of energy.
By avoiding typographical perfection, it stays more natural. The angles of the vertical strokes vary a little, and the positioning along the baseline jumps around, giving it a more rustic and natural feeling.
Most script fonts have long ascenders and descenders, and this means they look too small when used at normal sizes on the web. This font it's optimized in the technical details to be very readable as a web font, even when used as small as at 16 pixels.
It was funded by people like you, via Kickstarter.
Special thanks to the project backers! They are all listed on the website: http://www.impallari.com/kaushan
When making digital typefaces, the more you refine the shapes of the letters, the more energy you take away from them. Because of that, Kaushan is unrefined - and carries a lot of energy.
By avoiding typographical perfection, it stays more natural. The angles of the vertical strokes vary a little, and the positioning along the baseline jumps around, giving it a more rustic and natural feeling.
Most script fonts have long ascenders and descenders, and this means they look too small when used at normal sizes on the web. This font it's optimized in the technical details to be very readable as a web font, even when used as small as at 16 pixels.
It was funded by people like you, via Kickstarter.
Special thanks to the project backers! They are all listed on the website: http://www.impallari.com/kaushan
Rozszerzone informacje o czcionce
Obsługiwane platformy
UnicodeUnikod 2.0 a nasledovná sémantika, tylko BMP unikod
MacintoshAntykwa (roman)
MicrosoftTylko BMP unikod
Szczegóły czcionki
Liczba znaków394
Jednostki po Em1000
Prawa osadzeniaOsadzania dla stałych instalacji
Klasa rodzinySkrypty
Styl MacPogrubiony
KierunekTylko znaki skierowane od lewej do prawej + zawiera neutralie
Natura wzoruKursywa